Senin, 04 November 2013

Logic Problems (Questions)

Just for Fun

There are some problems so simple that we calculate them with easy, but there are many solutions to solve that problems.

This is the nice exercise.......

Both A and B is a number. Let's assume AB + B = BA. From the following expression, which one is false... (assume that AB or BA is a number)
a.       A x B = CD, C + D = B
b.      AB x B = A01, AB x A=C1D
c.       AB+BA=1BC

Let A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4. Is it true that the statement ABCD = 4! ? (4! is a factorial)
a.      True
b.      False
c.       Can't be determined

QWERTY is an integer that is not divisible by 2, 3, 5, 7, or 11. QWERTY results the remainder 1 when divided by 2. Among the possibilities that exist, which one is not the remainder of the division QWERTY with 3 ...
a.       -1
b.        2

A, B, C represents an odd number. Which does not give results even number?
a.       ((A-B)/C)A
b.      ((A+B)/C)B
c.       ((A x B)/C)C

!  @  #  $  %  ^  &  *  (  ) is a code that represents the numbers 23, 31, 59, 71, 11, 39, 83, 67, 35, 89. Which of the following composition were not able to form a pattern of numbers?
a.       % , ! , @ , (  , (
b.      % , ! ,  ^  , # , &
c.       % , ! , @ , * ,  )

Those questions has challenged you to think out of the box...
Try to resolve it.



- A = 8, B = 9
- ABCD is number or ABCD is A x B x C x D
- Possible numbers 1, 13, 17, 19
- Odd x odd = odd
- Pattern of numbers :
   a (11   ,   23   ,   31   ,   35   ,   35)
           +12      +8       +4       +0
   b (11   ,   23   ,   39   ,   59   ,   83)
           +12     +16     +20     +24
   c (11   ,   23   ,   31   ,   67   ,   89)

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